Belgian government encourages terrorism

De facto impunity granted by Belgian state to Iranian terrorist Assadollah Assadi violates basic human right

The capitulation of the Belgian state to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (IRI) attempts at blackmail will grant impunity to its most flagrant human rights violations. It will encourage the Islamic regime and their agents in Europe, as they have done in recent decades, to declare European citizens unprotected by law as fair game, with no need for assassins to pay for their crimes.

This is not the first time that the IRI, through its agents, not only terrorizes and sometimes murders Iranian opposition figures in European countries, but it also does not stop at taking hostage Iranian dual nationals and other EU citizens. The IRI prophylactically holds European citizens as a bargaining chip for the eventual release of its convicted terrorist agents. It is disturbing that the Belgian state has quasi-legalized terrorist activities against life and limb by means of an ominous law, even in formal legal terms, without the other EU states having raised any serious objections to this.

Furthermore, the early release of the convicted terrorist Assadi from the Belgian prison testifies to the lack of solidarity among the EU countries. If Belgium is about to submit to such blackmail, it would be desirable and conceivable as an act of solidarity that in exchange for such a “big fish” as the terrorist Assadollah Assadi, the Belgian state would have freed at least some other EU citizens who are being maltreated as hostages in IRI prisons. Currently, among numerous other EU citizens, the Swedish citizen Dr. Jalali and the Austrian citizens Dipl.-Ing. Kamran Ghaderi and Dr. Mossahab are in the notorious Iranian prisons.

We, the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran – Austria and Medical Professionals for Human Rights in Iran – Austria, raise our voice against such toleration, quasi legal support, of the serious human rights violations of the IRI by Belgium.

Prof. Dr. Siroos Mirzaei
Medical Professionals for Human Rights in Iran –Austria

Dr. Behrouz Bayat
Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran-Austria

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